UCM Bridge Group

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Anyone who knows the basics of bridge bidding and play is welcome to join us. You don’t need to bring a partner but please let me know if you are coming. We will have a break with coffee, tea and cookies. For more information contact Marie Rotteau at mrotteau2@gmail.com or 416-906-5907.

Mystery Friends Potluck Dinner

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Mystery Friends Potluck Dinner

Sunday Service: Healthy Minds & Hearts

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

In our final wellness service of the year, Colleen Good will speak about having self compassion. How can Unitarian Universalism help us to tend to our mental well-being? With service leader Wendy Shusterman. This is a family service, children and youth are encouraged to come out. YouTube The YouTube livestream of the Service will be available to subscribers to the UCM channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD8jh9eDfIPsl51oMKSpqPw?view_as=subscriber To subscribe, find the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga on YouTube, and hit the subscribe button. The livestream will appear on the main page when it begins. Live Streaming without a Zoom gathering is an experiment so please let us know what you think at admin@uucm.ca. Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88155648070 Meeting ID: 881 5564 8070 One tap mobile: +12042727920,,88155648070# Canada


The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Yoga at UCM! Yoga can act as a powerful force to elevate your physical & mental wellbeing. Come join Margo McDougall MONDAY evenings from 7-8 PM Margo will intelligently guide you through a Feel good, increase your flexibility, and deepen your mind- body connection to find a deeper sense of calm and well-being. This hour-long experience is for everyone. safe practice focusing on breath while you stretch and strengthen from head to foot. Feel good, increase your flexibility, and deepen your mind- body connection to find a deeper sense of calm and well-being. This hour-long experience is for everyone. $15/class or Pay-What-You-Can. For more info contact Caitlyn Seale at FLC@uucm.ca

UCM Bridge Group

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Anyone who knows the basics of bridge bidding and play is welcome to join us. You don’t need to bring a partner but please let me know if you are coming. We will have a break with coffee, tea and cookies. For more information contact Marie Rotteau at mrotteau2@gmail.com or 416-906-5907.

Sunday Service: Soul Music

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Join Music Director Abigail Freeman and the choir in this music filled service lifting up the power of music to soothe our spirits. Jean Mackie is the service leader. YouTube The YouTube livestream of the Service will be available to subscribers to the UCM channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD8jh9eDfIPsl51oMKSpqPw?view_as=subscriber To subscribe, find the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga on YouTube, and hit the subscribe button. The livestream will appear on the main page when it begins. Live Streaming without a Zoom gathering is an experiment so please let us know what you think at admin@uucm.ca. Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88155648070 Meeting ID: 881 5564 8070 One tap mobile: +12042727920,,88155648070# Canada

Amnesty International Letter Campaign

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Our Amnesty team has written three letters for UCM members and friends to review this Sunday, May 14th, and sign if you wish. The first case is to the Venezuelan government advocating release of a woman who was unfairly convicted, jailed for 30 years, and denied proper medical care. The second letter is to the Prosecutor General of Iran urging investigation and fair prosecution of perpetrators of up to 300 gas attacks against girls' schools in Iran. The third letter is not from Amnesty International. It is a letter advocating a ban on Sports Betting media advertising, expressing concern that a rise in gambling may have addictive and negative effects on many Canadians, especially the young fans. The letters will be available in the lobby, along with donation cups to help with the cost of postage. If you have any questions, please contact johnrowell99@gmail.com. John Rowell, Chair, Social Justice Action Committee


The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga 84 South Service Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Yoga at UCM! Yoga can act as a powerful force to elevate your physical & mental wellbeing. Come join Margo McDougall MONDAY evenings from 7-8 PM Margo will intelligently guide you through a Feel good, increase your flexibility, and deepen your mind- body connection to find a deeper sense of calm and well-being. This hour-long experience is for everyone. safe practice focusing on breath while you stretch and strengthen from head to foot. Feel good, increase your flexibility, and deepen your mind- body connection to find a deeper sense of calm and well-being. This hour-long experience is for everyone. $15/class or Pay-What-You-Can. For more info contact Caitlyn Seale at FLC@uucm.ca

Daytimers: Outing to the Egyptian Museum 

Daytimers - May 17th at 1:00 PM Outing to the Egyptian Museum This month the Daytimers group are going to The Egyptian Museum in Streetsville. They require a week's notice to confirm numbers and to confirm our guided tour, as they only open for pre-booked tours.  Please check their website for more details. We will meet at the museum at 1 p.m. The address is: 6341 Mississauga Road in Streetsville. I hope to see many of you there! Please let Candice or Wendy know if you plan to attend by May 10th at the latest. There is a $10 entry charge per person. Candice Rice