Our programs for Adults strive to provide opportunities for members and friends to deepen their connection with other members, lifelong learning and enrichment, explore Unitarian Universalism,  and building relationships within our religious community. With workshops, film discussion groups, and book clubs, we share our personal stories, explore religious and theological questions, and clarify or challenge our moral and ethical persuasions. Most importantly we discover fellowship and friendship on our individual spiritual journey and search for truth and meaning.

The Book Club meets beginning in September, skipping December, and then continuing January through May. We meet early in the afternoon the fourth Tuesday of those months.

Everyone is welcomed, even if you haven’t read or finished the book selected. All of us play a part in choosing the books and everyone has a chance to give their opinion. Check The Chalice or our Events calendar for meeting times and links for zoom and/or in-person meetings. Join us!


Check out our Calendar

Our choir, Voices UUnited starts up on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in mid-September with Abigail Freeman, our Music Director. If you’d like to come out and join us we’d be happy to have you. We will rehearse every Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:00 plus once a month after service and perform an anthem approximately every second Sunday. There is no audition and you do not need to read music – just love to sing. We welcome all.

Check out our Calendar

Daytimers meet the 3rd Wednesday of most months at 1 p.m.  We enjoy outings to local parks and museums, creative projects such as art and card-making, listening to speakers on diverse subjects and conversation.  All are welcome.  Watch for upcoming get-togethers in our Calendar.


Check out our Calendar

Our collection covers a wide variety of subjects.  Click here to browse through the list.  Drop by and borrow a book or a video.

This space is open to all for quiet contemplation every Sunday from 9:50 to 10:20am. If you need a mid-week break, stop by between 10 and 2 and pick up the key from the office.

Theme Groups will meet once a month at the times: Thursday afternoon and Tuesday on-line. You join one group and commit to that time. While you will get more out of the experience if you do the exercises and consider the questions, all are welcome to join a group. Some months you may be able to spend time on the theme, others you may only have participated in a single service. All are welcome to join and participate as best you can.

Theme groups will begin in October and run through May. Register at

Check out our Calendar

UCM regularly holds workshops and special events on topics of interest to members. To find out when the special event is scheduled, check the calendar for more information.

Check out our Calendar

Yoga is offered as part of our Adult Education program.

Join us for an evening of fun, relaxation and stretching. Classes are led by Margo McDougall.  A minimum fee of $15 is suggested or PWYC.   Bring a yoga mat, block, strap and a water bottle (required and not provided). Blocks can be borrowed if you do not have any.

Let Margo know at the beginning of class if there are any injuries or mobility accommodations required. Helpful items that may be borrowed if you don’t have them include a knee pad, a block and a rope.

Participants should arrive at 6:45pm, class commences at 7:00pm sharp. 

Check out our Calendar

Margo McDougall Biography

Margo aims to deliver classes that offer movement to the whole body, offering options for beginner to advanced students.  Focusing on static strength, balance and flexibility, each practice begins with breath work and is completed in a state of deep relaxation.

Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations



UU Wellspring–prior registration required

Wednesday, Meditation Room

UU Wellspring–prior registration required

Wednesday, Zoom link will be sent to you

Eagle Spirits of the Great Waters

Thursday, Great Hall
More events


Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga
84 South Service Road
Mississauga, ON