Come for a visit, we are looking forward to see you. UNDERSTAND MORE


We are the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga, a religious community of individuals who are guided by compassionreason and love on an individual search for truth and meaning.  Our regular Sunday program begins at 10:30am weekly.


Imagine UCM...

Imagine walking into a Congregation where you are surrounded by people who believe in the freedom of religious expression. You are part of a community where each person is encouraged to explore their individual faith. Unitarians embark on this ever-changing, self-transforming, lifelong search for truth with the support of a community of fellow seekers. In this sacred space we:

  • seek personal growth
  • seek to belong, but do not wish to believe in a religious doctrine
  • build relationships of fairness and love
  • respect the views and needs of others
  • practice tolerance, understanding and acceptance

This is what awaits you at the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga.


Imagine UCM where People are Dedicated to...

Social justice, the environment and nurturing inclusivity in the community. UCM Congregational members of all ages regularly participate in various community action projects — whether it’s cleaning up a local park, helping out at the food bank, or advocating for affordable housing, choice in dying, and world peace. We sponsor refugees and seek truth, healing, and reconciliation. At the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga we are called to love and justice through our interdependence on each other and on the world around us.

Imagine UCM where People Aspire to be...

  • deeply connected
  • radically inclusive
  • actively engaged
  • theologically alive
  • spiritually grounded

Imagine Being Welcome at UCM...

Whatever your gender identity, sexual orientation or racial identity. Our Principles call us to:

  • affirm the worth and dignity of every individual
  • accept one another
  • foster each other’s spiritual growth.

Many people coming from interfaith and secular families find a religious home in our Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga, where each person’s beliefs and traditions are honored. To us at UCM, family is a big tent. Family means chosen family, family of origin, second family, blended family, adoptive family, extended family. Family means two married men with three cats, a grandmother raising her granddaughter, a single adult with far-flung siblings, and a man and a woman with four kids. We celebrate the full spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities that families include. We nurture all kinds of families, helping families be resilient and loving.

Imagine Sitting in a Beautiful Space for a Unitarian Service...

Imagine listening to music from Bach or from Brazil… hearing the inspiring words of Thoreau or Maya Angelou. During UCM Services, the music and readings may be taken from sources as old and varied as the Torah, Koran, Bible, or Native American and African works. The Service and music may also be inspired by something as timely as today’s headlines or popular tunes.

Our choir, Voices UUnited  sings beautifully and enlivens the congregation’s songs. Our Sunday morning services start at 10:30 am. We welcome all.

Imagine UCM where Children and Youth...

Grow up learning about the world’s major religions, fostering a greater sense of world citizenship. They learn about the rich history of Unitarian such as:

  • Susan B. Anthony, worked for women’s rights
  • Clara Barton, Red Cross Founder
  • Robert Munsch, children’s author
  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ethical living is a cornerstone of the religious education program for children and youth at the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga, where they are taught to put their faith into “action” and make the world a better place! Within a safe and loving community, we help our children and youth grow up to be responsible and respectful members of the global community, able to act with compassion and to speak for justice.

Check our Programs:

Imagine a Green Sanctuary...

Where the gardens and grounds of our Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga are a vital part of the spiritual landscape. We care deeply about our “footprint upon the earth” by continually improving our energy usage, recycling, drought-resistant planting, etc.

Can you Imagine Yourself and Your Family...

As part of a group of people with a common goal of peace, justice and liberty for all? Come join us!

Come for a visit, a Sunday Service or an evening gathering. The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga is located at 84 South Service Road in Mississauga (QEW & Hway 10). We will be glad to see you.

There are many ways to learn more about Unitarianism and our community.

  • Come to a Sunday Service and meet our Interim Minister Rev. Rita Capezzi.
    Our congregation is thrilled to welcome our new Interim Minister who will be with us for two years. Rev. Rita is a former English professor at Canisius University in Buffalo, NY. She was ordained as a Unitarian Universalist Minister in 2018 and brings a reflective approach to her ministry.
    Our former Minister Rev. Fiona Heath resigned in the spring in order to concentrate on writing and spend more time in nature. The UCM Board thanks Rev. Fiona for almost 9 years of service as our minister and wishes her well in her next chapter of life.
  • Check the calendar for the next New to UU orientation sessions and other events.
  • Sign up to receive our weekly email bulletin, “The Shinning Chalice” by sending us an email.
  • Learn more by checking out our Library or information online about Unitarians.

Above all, this is your spiritual journey and we want you to travel at your own pace and enjoy!  Maybe you don’t have to become a Unitarian because you already are one!

The inherent worth and dignity of every person

The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all

We are a Welcoming Congregation

The Unitarian Congregation is a Welcoming Congregation. This means that we work to foster acceptance, inclusion, understanding, and equity for bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgendered persons of all colours, races and ethnicities, both within our congregation and in society at large. Read more…

Our Unitarian Minister and Lay Chaplains do perform same-sex weddings.

For more information about the Welcoming Congregations, visit:


Our congregational community is dedicated to providing a safe environment for adults and Young People as we promote spiritual growth. We will not tolerate any forms of abuse, harassment or neglect committed by anyone in the congregation, including employees, members, friends or volunteers.

As Unitarian Universalists, we are dedicated to uphold:

  • the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and
  • justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

We accept the “Duty of Care” that these commitments require of us.

We affirm our commitment to maintain a safe environment free of discrimination and harassment based on colour, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, ability, gender or sexual orientation, including establishing policies and taking actions to increase the safety of our congregation.

For more information about the Safe Steps policy and program at UCM email


Come for a visit, a Sunday Service or an evening gathering. We will be glad to see you.

Our facilities are fully accessible.

We are located at

The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga
84 South Service Road
Mississauga, Ontario
L5G 2R9


  • We are really happy to have found a place where we can be part of the community without having to conform.

    Tammy Christianson and Tim Lipani
  • I discovered how welcoming this congregation is to the LGBT community.

    Tom Lebour



Spiritual Exploration for Young Adults

Sunday, Meditation Room
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