“It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” Irish proverb Sanctuary is a place of safety and care. It is protection from danger, a shelter for the injured,...
Option A) Share Your Umbrella There’s a beautiful UU children’s story called “The Umbrella Sanctuary.” You might have heard this month in a service. In it, the umbrella represents the many ways...
Whether you participate in a theme group, or are exploring Sanctuary on your own, don’t try to answer all these questions. Chose one that stands out for you and consider it several...
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” Joseph Campbell We are all longing to go home to some place we have never been – a place half-remembered...
This short video by Taylor Caraway is an invitation to contemplate the beauty landscape and night sky of Colorado. Finding Sanctuary is a website dedicated to creation of personal sanctuary, by...
Books Sacred Places by P. Sturges Places sacred to Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, and Muslims are the focus of this striking tour of 28 religious’ sites around the world. After a two-page...
Covenant is a word I associate with the film Raiders of the Lost Ark – an ancient artifact with tremendous power (clearly, I did not grow up in Christian household!). It isn’t...
Option 1) Live in the Plural UU minister and writer Victoria Safford writes: We are bound by covenant, each to each and each to all, by what theologian Rebecca Parker calls “freely...
Don’t treat these questions like “homework” or a list that needs to be covered in its entirety. Instead, simply pick the one question that “hooks” you most and let it lead you...
“We have associated ourselves together—not as agreeing in opinion, not as having attained universal truth in belief or perfection in character, but as seekers after truth and goodness.” Covenant of the Unitarian...