
Introduction to Joy
May 01, 2020

Introduction to Joy

The Jewish religious leader Rebbe Nachman said that the pathway to our true destiny is joy. Joy and enthusiasm are important aspects of the spiritual path, and are needed now more then...

Readings on Joy
May 01, 2020

Readings on Joy

“The beating heart of the universe is holy joy.” Martin Buber  “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service...

Questions on Joy
May 01, 2020

Questions on Joy

As always, don’t treat these questions like “homework” or a list that needs to be covered in its entirety.  Instead, simply pick the one question that speaks to you most and let...

Media Resources
May 01, 2020

Media Resources

The classic Joy to the World by Three Dog Night From the Boston NPR radio station, a podcast with writer and activist Adrienne Maree Brown on finding joy during the coronavirus From...