Spiritual Growth

Renewal Requires Risk

Speaker: | January 12, 2025

Renewing relationships of all kinds involves some risk—of being vulnerable, of making mistakes, of suffering when misunderstood. How might we learn to embrace such risk, so that relationships of all kinds are...

The Power of Water

Speaker: | September 09, 2024

The flooding of the Nile River was one of the first things I remember studying in primary school. We learned about the Egyptian gods and goddesses, along with the story of river...

Finding Ourselves Anew

Speaker: | August 31, 2024

I planned and delivered this service with my daughter, Helen Lowry. We presented a version of it on July 21 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, our home congregation, where she...

Pride Sunday: How Daring of You!

Speaker: | June 23, 2024

UCM—Rev. Rita Capezzi in collaboration with Tammy Christiansen, Bonny Hughes, Devin Kreuger, Tom Lebour, Paula McNaughton, Brenda Poole, Catilyn Seal (Family Life Coordinator), and Abigail Freeman (Music Director). Technical support  rom Heather...