As people of the chalice we tend to be focused on the here and now: we ground ourselves spiritually in the mystery of presence, the light of life as it is, and...
Chose one question to sit with – and return to – over the course of the month. Who is your most surprising kin? Who is now in your circle of intimacy and...
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”. Mother Theresa “True compassion does not come from wanting to help out those less fortunate...
This video from the Cleveland Clinic reminds us all of the underlying experiences and emotions that make us kin. In a world where the act of touch is reserved to those...
The Power of Sankofa: Know History Sankofa is an African word from the Akan tribe in Ghana. The literal translation of the word and the symbol is “it is not taboo to...
Throughout much of North American history, Unitarian Universalists have tended to be unkind to memory. We’ve given it the label “tradition,” and treated it mostly as something that holds us back. Tradition,...
Option A) The Memory Shared at Your Funeral Our dance with memory is about looking forward as well as looking back. Our life is driven not just by the desire to collect...
How has your memory changed as you’ve grown older? Do you think of childhood memories more or less? Is it stories or images you now remember more? Which memories grow stronger? Which...
“To acknowledge our ancestors means we are aware that we did not make ourselves.” Alice Walker “Memory is the most elemental thread of which the tapestry of experience we call reality is...