The Jewish religious leader Rebbe Nachman said that the pathway to our true destiny is joy. Joy and enthusiasm are important aspects of the spiritual path, and are needed now more then...
True wisdom comes in understanding that sometimes, you are both the prison and the key. Johnathan Jena Jena is right. Liberation is much more complicated than we usually tell ourselves. It would...
The Sufi poet Hafiz wrote: The Beloved sometimes wants To do us a great favor: Hold us upside down And shake all the nonsense out. Perhaps wisdom is what is left when...
With our educational focus on Nurturing Inclusivity this church year, we revisit the theme of Resistance, which we first explored in February 2018. Sometimes being a people of resistance involves struggle and...
We know the usual “integrity advice”: Build your character! Get better at being honest, with others and yourself! It’s about addition, we’re told. Being better. Becoming more. But our faith says it’s...
Our second principle calls us to affirm “justice, equity and compassion in human relations.” Justice and compassion are often talked about, but we rarely focus on equity. What does it mean to...
“Part of doing something is listening. We are listening. To the sun. To the stars. To the wind.” Madeleine L’Engle As we begin another year of theme ministry, we return to our...
From Soul Matters Where do you look for beauty? There is universal agreement that we all must make time to visit museums and sit before stunning sunsets. But seeking beauty there is...
In Zen Buddhism, curiosity is part of the “beginner’s mind”, that openness to experience, to question rather then judge, to approach situations without pre-conceptions. It helps us stay open to the new,...
From Soul Matters Of all our topics this year, possibility is arguably most central to our faith. It has distinguished Unitarian Universalists from the start. Historically, when others saw depravity and sin...