A poem by Native American author Louise Erdrich. This links leads to a podcast from meditation teacher Tara Brach exploring our inner resistance to change. This Huffington Post podcast...
Option 1) Give Thanks! Who made resistance possible for you? Who stood beside you as you stood against the status quo? Who helped remind you that the arc really can be bent? Who...
For this month on Resistance, we explore our UU history, offer some thoughtful picture books of children brave enough to resist, and share an affirmation activity. Circles of Light: The Flaming Chalice...
We know the usual “integrity advice”: Build your character! Get better at being honest, with others and yourself! It’s about addition, we’re told. Being better. Becoming more. But our faith says it’s...
Review the questions, choose one that speaks to you, and return to it over the month. How do you understand integrity? Is integrity for you about staying faithful, allowing yourself to unfold,...
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde “Integrity is telling myself the truth. Honesty is telling the truth to other people.” Spencer Johnson Wholeness is never lost, it is only forgotten....
A 15 minute TED Talk on personal integrity Another TED Talk about the bias behind being a “good person”. A short video describing integrity in a large workplace.