The Reverend Fiona Heath became the sixth settled Minister of UCM in 2014. An ardent environmentalist and advocate for simpler, local living, Fiona’s passion in ministry is to nurture connections among people, and between people and the planet. She finds great comfort in our chalice symbol. She believes Unitarian Universalism is a religion to help people deal with the challenges of the twenty first century, through offering new ways of thinking and being. Fiona currently serves as the Vice President of the UU Ministers of Canada and on the Inter-Faith Council of Peel. She is the mother of a son in university and lives in Brampton with Tikko the dog, and cats Tempest and Blaze. When she is not being a minister, she can be found binge watching Netflix or hiking in the woods.
Kathleen Cairnie-Sorensen is our dynamic Director of Lifespan Learning.
Our Administrator, Tisa Zabarylo, is an asset to the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga. Tisa works in the office from 10am to 2pm Monday to Friday, with summer hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1pm to 4pm. She can be reached Tisa prepares our weekly Order of Service, newsletter, facilitates rentals and assists volunteers in addition to countless other tasks. Tisa has such a range of responsibilities, it would be impossible to list them all. She is a vital part of the UCM community.
The Board of Directors serves on behalf of the Congregation between the meetings of the Congregation. It strives to set the direction and long-range planning of the congregation and to guide the regular operations of the Congregation.
Board members are elected at the Congregational Meeting in May of each year and serve a three year term and the Board meets monthly.
The Caring Circle is a committee of 9 – 11 people, and our main focus is to try to identify members of the congregation who may need a visit, phone call, or a card or letter, due to circumstances in their lives, which may involve illness, stress, life transition, or the care of a sick relative.
The Caring Circle also likes to acknowledge joys and includes these announcements in the “Among Us” column of UCM’s monthly newsletter.
To contact the Caring Circle email
The Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga has various committees that perform the work of the congregation. Permanent committees are divided into four teams: The Administrative Team, The Education and Exploration Team, the Membership Team and the Communications Team. Various ad-hoc committees formed by the Board to carry out specific functions from time to time. UCM also depends on volunteer members and friends to work on our committees and task groups throughout the year. Current volunteer opportunities.
Our Policy and Procedures Manuals include the following: