We are gathering in person this Sunday at 10:30am!
This Thanksgiving weekend we choose to celebrate the beauty and abundance of life, from pumpkins to music, even as the leaves fall away and the nights grow long. Don’t forget to donate to the Mississauga Food Bank!
On this holiday weekend of thanksgiving treat yourself and your loved ones to a morning of togetherness at UCM, either in person or on-line. Sunday at 10:30am I will lift up the challenging art of happiness. How do we find joy in the midst of stress and uncertainty? Can we really just choose to be happy?
In the spirit of the season, we have some thanksgiving treats to share: mini-gourds and pumpkins, as well as gift bags with questions to inspire good conversation. If you aren’t able to come on Sunday but would like a gift bag, please contact Tisa by Friday at 1:00pm to request one to be mailed.
Don’t forget to register in advance for contact tracing purposes.
Our safety protocols include:
Limit to 60 attendees. Registration in advance. Attendees be fully vaccinated. Masks must be worn indoors. Chairs will be spaced into household groups. No congregational singing.
We continue to ask people to be masked, stay physically distanced, and exit the building quickly. While you are welcome to hum along with the hymns, please do not sing aloud! There will come a time when we can make a joyful noise together, but not yet. Doors and windows will be opened, so dress for the weather.
Sunday Services Zoom Link
Time: October 10, 2021 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 5564 8070
Phone In via: 647-374-4685
The YouTube livestream of the Service will also be available to subscibers to the UCM channel:
Please be aware our livestream is public. Although it is unlikely for you to appear, if you want to ensure you are not visible please keep your video off during the service.
On this probably rainy holiday weekend, may you find time to enjoy the earth in all its glorious fall colours, whether that is a walk in the woods or a youtube video. As Anne of Green Gables said, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
I look forward to being with all of you this Sunday, both on-line and in-person.