We return this Sunday at 10:30 to our family wellness service, this month we consider the meaning of environmental wellness. While I have enjoyed the sunshine of this strangely warm November, I know that is a sign of the shifting climate and the joy is tinged with sorrow. How do we care for our tender hearts while living through climatic shifts? Creating environmental wellness is a challenge, but one we must face to heal ourselves and the earth.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 5564 8070
One tap mobile: +12042727920,,88155648070# Canada
The YouTube livestream of the Service will be available to subscibers to the UCM channel:
To subscribe, find the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga on YouTube, and hit the subscribe button. The livestream will appear on the main page when it begins. Live Streaming without a Zoom gathering is an experiment so please let us know what you think at admin@uucm.ca.
On Saturday I will be saying hello to many of you at our annual Festive Fair. I know there have been many people baking this week and I’m looking forward to tasty treats! Thank you to Candice Rice, John Rowell, and the many, many volunteers who help make this event a success each year.
Next week we are experimenting with a fellowship hour at 10:30am in the Great Hall, as there is a national service “Living into Covenant” in the afternoon. All are welcome to join Worship Chair Devin Krueger for a time of thoughtful conversation on covenant. The Fellowship hour will not be broadcast on Zoom or YouTube but there will be coffee!